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Parents & Students

Student Arrival, Student Dismissal & Check-Ins/Outs


School doors will open promptly at 7:25 a.m. and students may begin arriving at that time. No student supervision is available before 7:25 a.m. The school and teachers are responsible for your student during school hours only.

504/PST Contacts

Jennifer Bronson

Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria beginning at 7:25 a.m. Students not eating breakfast should report directly to the auditorium. Students will be supervised in the auditorium from 7:25 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. Parents will not be allowed in the auditorium during this time.

OBE’s Extended Day Program offers morning supervision from 6:30-7:25 a.m. for families who are in need an earlier drop off. Please contact Mrs. Deana Jones for rates and additional information.

Students will be considered late at 7:51 a.m. Students who arrive late miss valuable instructional time and interrupt the educational setting of the classroom. Help teach positive habits by insisting that your son/daughter be in class by 7:50 a.m. Excused tardies are for medical purposes only.


Any student arriving after 7:51 a.m. and before 8:05 am will report directly to their classroom. Any student(s) arriving after 8:05 a.m. should be accompanied by their parent/guardian and report to the attendance office for a late pass. This request is for the safety and security of our students, as school personnel are unaware of late arrivals until students enter the attendance office or classroom.

If a student needs to leave school during the school day, a parent/guardian or designated adult must report to the main office to check the student out. Please be prepared to show identification at the time of checkout. Only adults designated on the student’s emergency card and who know the Kid Kode will be allowed to check out the student. Parents are urged to keep early check outs to an minimum, as each call into a classroom for early dismissal causes a disruption to the learning environment.

All staff members have been instructed not to excuse a student to anyone without specific permission from the office. In order to prevent the loss of valuable instructional time, students will not be called out of the classroom until a parent or designee arrives. Please avoid picking students up during the last fifteen minutes of the school day. Instruction takes place throughout the entire school day (7:50 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.).

Early checkout procedure (before dismissal time)

  1. The parent/guardian or designated adult will report to the office.
  2. The parent/guardian or designated adult will show ID and identify the Kid Kode.
  3. The parent/guardian or designated adult will sign the checkout log.
  4. The office will contact the classroom to release the student to the office.

Student checkouts will not be permitted after 2:15 p.m.
Approval may be granted by administration only in the event of an emergency.


Parents may pick up their child(ren) by driving through the parent loop or parking in the lot on Corbin Ave. and meeting their child(ren) in the designated area in front of the school. Cars should not be parked on the sidewalks or grassy areas on S. Ridgewood Ave. or in front of the gates on Corbin Avenue.

Students are to be picked up no later than 2:45 unless arrangements have been made with an after-school program.

Parents & Students Resources