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Title I Information

Ormond Beach Elementary Title I Information 

Ormond Beach Elementary is designated as a Title I school. Many of the students at Title I schools are eligible for free and reduced priced lunches and Title I schools receive federal funding to to provide programs and support to promote academic achievement. Ormond Beach Elementary is proud to be a high performing Title I school!


Title I Information & Resources 

Ormond Beach School Advisory Council: Information regarding SAC membership, meeting dates, and minutes can be found under Parents & Students on the OBE Website home page or by clicking on the SAC link below. 



Ormond Beach Elementary School Improvement Plan 2022-2023

Ormond Beach Elementary School Improvement Plan Mid-Year Review 21-22

Best Practices for Inclusive Education 

Every 3 years, Florida schools are required to complete a Best Practices in Inclusive Education (BPIE) self- assessment with a Florida Inclusion Network facilitator. The assessment process is designed to identify priority needs, develop goals, plan  school-wide improvement strategies, and organize internal and external resources to support the implementation of inclusive practices for all students with disabilities.


This year, OBE completed our school’s assessments, and the BPIE team, composed of administrators, teachers, and family members selected the following areas for growth over the next 3 years, and will be action planning to accomplish these goals.



  1. A multi-tiered system of student supports and problem-solving process is used for all students with and without disabilities
  2. A school-wide approach for planning and implementing Universal Design for Learning
  3. General and special education teachers regularly plan instruction together


More information about the BPIE process and indicators can be found in the document below. 

Please reach out to Mrs. Callahan, Assist Principal, if you have any questions or would like to be part of the action planning process in 2025.

Best Practices for Inclusive Education Priority Indicators 2022